Runsy x Chicago White Sox, 2022

2 t-shirts, 2 sweaters, 1 figurine doll

Commissioned by the Chicago White Sox

Esperanza Rosas, Creative Director, Artist, and Designer

Photos by Daniel Delgado

Product photos by Darius Osorio

Promotional Video by Jocelyn Solis

In 2022, Runsy was the first woman to collaborate with the Chicago White Sox on a collection. The collection was compiled of four items: two t-shirts and two sweaters all designed by Runsy with Mitchell & Ness as a vendor on selected garments.

Fans were able to purchase the collection on the official “Runsy Game Night" on September 21, 2022 at the Centerfield Scoreboard Shop inside of the White Sox Stadium. The collaboration was released one week later online via Runsy’s personal website.

Ticket holders to the game night received a complimentary ceramic doll also designed by Runsy. The figurine was not sold and only a giveaway.